Why I Changed My Circle of Influence

My life is more than just a movie, but a reality.  My life has been filled with ups and downs; the good and the bad; many tears and bunches of smiles.  Whatever the case, it's my life and I own it, embrace it, love it, and continuously move forward in it.  "My life is limitless."  
Cheron K. Griffin (the brand) and Cheron are two totally separate entities.    Cheron's life is now private, quite, peaceful, and about family while Cheron K. Griffin's life is vibrant, in your face, up close and personal, and doing what many people want to do.  Many people think they can figure me out, but no one will never figure me out because I'm constantly changing and growing.  One day I might like chocolate, but a week later, I might like vanilla.  One thing that I can say is consistent between Cheron and Cheron K. Griffin is that they are both royalty and they both LOVE GOD.  Cheron is the princess and  Cheron K. Griffin is the queen.  The princess is spoiled and the queen is running things, yet, they are both two royal entities living in one body.

Though I consider myself royalty, I understand that everyone cannot be in my royal circle.  As I grow, I'm constantly weeding out those that think they will ride on my back of success.  It's not that I don't want them to be successful, but I had to pay a price for my anointing and where I'm going.  A royal circle is proven, not given.  I challenge and test friendships because the heart is deceitfully wicked.  I'm wise enough to know that everyone around me isn't for me, yet I continue to smile and laugh with them.  Why?  It's nice to keep your enemies close because they end up being your foot stool.  While they think they are running things and in control of you and your destiny, you are like the queen on a chess board, moving in all directions and spreading your wings soaring like an eagle.  It's not because you are great, but it's because GOD is with you and GOD is great within you.  Though I'm constantly smiling, I'm watching as well as praying and asking for more discernment.  You see, when you know who you are and whose you are, you move forward in spite of knowing that nothing can stop you from reaching your destiny except you.  God gives you wisdom and even dreams about the challenges coming so that you know how to proceed.  For example, when God is about to remove people from my circle, I dream of rats.  These people are deceitful and really waiting for my demise as opposed to celebrating me.  I'm always warned so things don't hurt like they normally would.  Instead of acting unseemly and unlike I queen, I simply say a little prayer, "Lord, reverse the curse and send it back where it came from."  You see, the spirit of witchcraft is real.  It doesn't always come from those who are Satan worshipers, but it also comes from those sitting in church pews.  How many times have you wished harm to someone or thought your actions would hurt someone, yet you call yourself a Christian (Christlike)?  One thing I know about me is, I might fall down, but I also get back up.

So as I grow in all areas of my life, I had to leave some circles; get cast out of some circles; and even change my church circle.  God had destined me for GREATNESS and I know that I can't get there while being mediocre.  Though my ministry is healing and deliverance, I had to even leave those types of ministries because I got tired of the jump and shout every Sunday, yet the people had no growth in their finances, in their faith, and in their personal development.  As much as I hated prosperity preaching, I had to do a 180 degree turn and sit under some because I needed what they had.  Poverty is a mindset and if everyone is thinking in lack and woe is me, how could I grow and reach my full potential being in the same circle.  Some people are fine being poor, but the God I serve said I can have anything and live the abundant life: abundance in my health, in healing, in finances, in faith, in relationships, on earth, and in every area of my life.  You see, my thirst for success isn't something I did, but it has been engraved in me even in my mothers womb.  So like P-Diddy said, "DON'T STOP, LETS GO, and GO GET IT."

So in conclusion, I must say that I don't think that I'm better than anyone, but my circle of influence has changed.  I don't want to be the only one in the circle pressing for greatness, I want to be around those who have obtained greatness in their relationships with their spouses, in the finances, and in their spirituality.  The party train was fun, but my party train is now about business and creating a legacy for my children and my children's children.  My life now is about the hustle and reaching broken women and girls around the world.  I was broken, but now I'm free, I'm happy, I'm at peace, and I'm hustling to make it happen for so many others.  So if I have to let a few people go in the midst of moving forward, so be it.  It's time to go to another level and reach DESTINY.