I often hear men and women complain about their sex lives and intimate moments. Many married men and women are bored to death in their bedrooms because of "a set time for sex" or the lack thereof. LOL. I can't imagine being married with NO SEX or PLANNED SEX. I guess that I'm more like the man in that area, whenever and wherever. I don't care if we are angry at each other or if I feel like I hate you; I want what I want and I want it when I want it. At least you can be good for something. Forget being angry, my body seeks some love and attention every once in a while or maybe even everyday. It depends if I'm ovulating or not. SORRY MEN, but that's my best time. Anyway, this article isn't about me, my desires, or my wild fantasies. It's about you and your lover or spouse. WHO WANTS TO PLAN OUT INTIMATE MOMENTS according to the CLOCK. I can't imagine saying to my husband, "We are going to have sex tonight at 8:00 PM when the children are put down for the night. Yes, people plan out intimate moments and this is weird, but if it works for you, CONTINUE to do it.
If I as a married woman, this is what I would want:
- Seduce me while I'm cooking and lift me up on the sink and make love to me....
- Take a shower with me and stroke my ego or something else.....
- Lets watch a movie and you eat popcorn off of me...
- Make love to me on the balcony in the pouring rain...
- Lets have a picnic in the living room and I'm dessert....
- Lets sneak in the restaurant bathroom for a quickie.....
- I'll meet you at your office with just a raincoat on and (you know the rest).....
- And if I was married to the pastor, I'd meet him in his study for some needed .......
Shall I continue? NOPE, I'll let you use your imagination and take it from here. Please know that A SET TIME FOR LOVE is NOT even for OLD PEOPLE, but for BORING PEOPLE! So what you are busy professional or you have kids running around. Whatever the case, you can have a "LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS" even in your love life!
Cheron K. Griffin
"A Life Without Limits"