Maintaining Your Identity in a Relationship

As we all know, many women tend to lose their value and their identities as they enter into  relationships.  Dreams become diminished and their new found love has stolen their worth.  I am not stating that their dream lover has demanded their identity, but because of the innate nature of a woman, when she’s in, she’s in giving her all.  Her goals and desires are now considered lost treasures.  The question is, “How can a woman embrace love and yet, remember herself?”

Keep His Attention, But Loving YOURSELF

1.      Know yourself and your worth.
2.      Stay dedicated to YOUR DREAMS
3.      Include him in your dreams and goals
4.      Don’t allow the relationship to consume too much of your time
5.      Speak your mind and tell the truth
6.      Don’t get too comfortable
7.      Maintain your individuality


  1. One of the most critical and over-looked things that seem to happen in a relationship is for one to loose who they are once in a relationship. ....Before you know it, you're trying to figure out who you really are & where you went. I'd love for you to talk more on this. Thanks for opening this up.

    1. Good Morning Denise. I love RELATIONSHIPS, but like many women, I too have lost my identity in relationships because I thought that being equally yoked was just in religious beliefs. Now that I'm older, equally yoked means in many other aspects including my goals and dreams. If a gentleman cannot enhance that part of my life as well, it's a no go. I am more than just a pretty face, but I am an individual who has plans to change the world. And finally, I want to be included in every aspect of a gentleman's life as well because I have much to offer in business, love, spirituality, and such! Thank you for chiming in!!!
