Why Am I Still Single?

If you ask many married people if they enjoy being married, many would say that they’d prefer to be single.  And if you ask many single people if they love the single life, many would say that they wish they were married.  Studies show that men who are married live longer and statistics tell us that women instigate more than 75% of today's divorces.  Despite the numbers, men and women are asking themselves one simple question, “Why am I still single?”

Though I am a four time divorcee, marriage will always be on the table because I love relationships and the institution of marriage.  Most people would be afraid to say “I do” after so many divorces, but I welcome it.   My motto, “Try, try, try again.”  Please don’t think that I am bragging about my divorces; however, I am bragging that four men found me worthy of being called “wife.”  So let us talk about why you are still single. 

Singleness is a mindset.  So a man thinks, so he is!  Once you decide that a relationship is what you truly desire and deserve, it will come.  Doubt is a negative and fear can either be a motivator or a hindrance.  In your case, it’s a hindrance.  Here are some reasons that you might be single still.

·         You don’t believe you are worthy of authentic love.
·         Fear of your past.
·         You are not confident in who you are and what you deserve.
·         You are not putting yourself in a position to be found.
·         You are not seeking a relationship or looking for that special someone.
·         You are listening to other people.
·         You are afraid of rejection.
·         You are afraid of love.
·         Lack of communication skills.
·         And you don’t love yourself, therefore you cannot offer love to anyone else.

If you truly want to love again and you desire a relationship, love awaits you!

2013 Copyright Cheron K. Griffin


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